USC takes action on E-Waste

A pile of old computers being prepared for recycling.

This morning, the USC Sustainability Hub held an E-Waste collection event. Trying to cut down on the amount of electronic waste across the university, USC students were able to donate and recycle any unused electronic devices.

The Sustainability Hub, which was opened early this year and includes a 1,500 square foot space, is focused on helping USC and its students reduce their footprint on the environment.

We walked around the event today to see what students had to say about sustainability and e-waste.

Christopher Convoy, a master’s student in electrical and computer engineering, understands the importance of properly disposing of e-waste.

Christopher Convoypeople just disposing of incorrect locations or putting it with general garbage that could potentially affect that garbage, its ability to be recycled or disposed of it appropriately. I’d imagine if e-waste is just dispose of it in correct locations, that’s chemicals leaking from those products over time would be harmful to the environment.

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