Here’s how you can take action and help the USC community develop and implement innovative solutions that will build a more sustainable society.
Looking for more ways to get involved? Find sustainability efforts like Events, Research Studies and more in USC’s Green Directory.
Start your journey with these six sustainable actions:
1. Complete the online Sustainability Training
Explore the steps USC is taking towards becoming a greener campus and learn how you can help.
2. Visit the Sustainability Hub in STU 101
Lounge, study, and connect with the campus sustainability community.
3. Carry a reusable water bottle
Refill it at 200+ campus hydration stations.
4. Get the Supdate
Join the Supdate Slack to donate/swap items, learn about upcoming events and more.
5. Receive discounts on public transportation
Enroll in the USC Employee Transit Subsidy to green your commute.
6. Sort your trash at a nearby zero-waste bin
Help USC keep recyclable and compostable waste out of local landfills.
Make Your Event Sustainable
Hosting green events is a great way for you to advance sustainability on campus. Little behavioral changes can add up to a big environmental impact!
Green Your Office
From adjusting your office’s lighting to the types of office supplies you choose and use, there are many things you can do to make your office more sustainable.
Green Tailgating
Help all Trojans win by making every game you attend a “Green Game!” These tips can help make your tailgates more sustainable.
Climate Momentum Project
The Climate Momentum Project is based upon a vision that through interdisciplinary leadership in storytelling, the arts, communication, and behavioral messaging, USC will help to catalyze people, organizations, and policymakers to adopt existing and future climate solutions.
Buy Green
Use the Sustainable Purchasing Guide for information on how to make environment-friendly purchasing decisions at USC.
LA Green Business Program
Businesses enroll in this free program to save money on utilities and be part of the solution to the climate crisis.
Waste Resources
Access resources for universal and e-waste materials, request a recycling bin or get information for battery recycling/disposal and toner/ink cartridge recycling.
Sustainability Toolkit
All of the resources in this guide have been purposefully designed to address this commitment by encouraging individuals to put sustainable practices into action within their daily lives.