Making Progress
USC Earns Gold Rating from the
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS)
In February 2024, USC earned a prestigious STARS Gold rating from AASHE, the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework for universities to measure their sustainability performance. The assessment encompasses a multitude of sustainability data points from across USC. It helps to build a stronger campus sustainability community, creates incentives for improvement, and facilitates information sharing about higher education sustainability practices and performance.
This achievement comes a year earlier than our Assignment: Earth goal, yet another sign of USC’s rapid transformation towards sustainability leadership.
For more information on STARS and AASHE, visit
Key Reports & Data
Assignment: Earth Dashboard
USC’s Sustainability, Literacy, Behavior and Cultural Survey
First administered in April 2022, this survey helps to inform sustainability engagement and education programs at USC and to establish a baseline for measuring progress towards Assignment: Earth engagement goals.
USC Sustainability By the Numbers
View the Assignment: Earth FY23 Annual Report for more.
Energy and Emissions
- 43.4% absolute GHG scope 1 + 2 emissions reduction since 2014 baseline
- 42,000 kWh energy savings per month resulting from centrally-managed Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Cooling (HVAC) automated scheduling programs
- 6 academic buildings were upgraded to energy-efficient LED
- 60% lighting load reduction after LED upgrades
Waste Diversion
- 55.10% USC’s overall waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
- 61.11% University Park Campus waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
- 45.68% Health Sciences Campus waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
- 67.02% USC Village waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
- 40.50% USC Housing (off campus) waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
- 17.64% CAL/CDF buildings (off campus) waste diversion rate (as of June 2024)
Water Conservation
- 21% potable water use reduction per sq ft.of bldg. space since 2014 baseline
- 40% estimated average water use savings at each planting plot resulting from new native or climate adaptive landscaping
- 90% of UPC irrigation is centrally controlled and employs weather-based sensors
- 13 water meters were added to campus cooling towers. 79% of UPC buildings are sub-metered for water
- 11% reduction in single-occupancy vehicles commuting to campus since FY14
- 24 bio-fuel buses in operation
- 246 EV charging ports across all USC campuses
- 50% of USC Hospitality food is purchased from sustainable sources
- >3 million plastic bottles prevented from entering the waste stream since the implementation of USC’s single-use plastic beverage bottle elimination policy effective July 2022
Education and Research
- Five Postdoctoral Fellows funded in 2023 through the Presidential Sustainability Solutions Fellowship
- 141 sustainability-focused undergraduate courses were offered in AY24 with over 6,700 undergraduates enrolled
- 25 research centers, programs or institutes are dedicated to sustainability research
LA Coliseum 2023 Football Season
- 90% waste diversion rate for seven football games
- 66.14 tons of game-day waste diverted from landfill (72.1 total tons generated during season)
- >1,200 tons of game-day waste diverted from landfill since 2015
- Three-time winner of Pac-12 Zero Waste Challenge