How Buildings can Improve Life — A TED Talk by Doris Sung

USC faculty member Doris Sung.

Faculty Doris Sung delivered a TED Talk about reimagining building facades as active contributors to urban life and public health.

“I would like to propose that [the] thickness of the facade still be used to make people on the inside comfortable,” Sung punctuates in her talk. “But can we think about the outside portion of the facade benefiting people on the outside?”

In her TED Talk titled “How Buildings Can Improve Life — Inside and Out”, Sung showcases innovative technologies — like buildings that filter particulates out of the air and facades that react to heat — demonstrating how modern architecture can evolve beyond aesthetics to address critical issues like pollution, energy efficiency and urban heat islands. These insights ultimately offer a glimpse into a future where architecture improves life for inhabitants and pedestrians alike.

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