Wrigley Institute Names 2024 Faculty Innovation Award Winners

A swimmer wearing a wetsuit, large swim goggles, and a snorkel reaches for a large kelp plant underwater.

The Wrigley Institute for Environment and Sustainability (WIES) has named its 2024-2026 cohort of Faculty Innovation Award winners. The awards, worth up to $50,000 each, support original, solutions-focused environmental and sustainability research by USC faculty from any school.

This year’s awardees conduct research across both the natural and social sciences, in the fields of Earth sciences, marine and environmental biology, and economics. Three of the researchers in the cohort are receiving grants under WIES’s new Climate and Carbon Management Initiative, which explores strategies for decarbonizing the world’s economies and our atmosphere.

“Research universities like USC are a crucial proving ground for novel solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges,” says Wrigley Institute Executive Director Jessica Dutton. “Our Faculty Innovation Awards are designed to help make early-stage investigations of these solutions possible.”

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