A New Toolkit for Teaching Green Technologies


The problem of the climate crisis is too large to understand as a singular phenomenon – the interconnected impacts are filtering into every aspect of life, from transport efficiency to food security.

The scale of the challenges ahead will require a highly interdisciplinary approach to developing new technologies. That’s exactly what the M.S. in Green Technologies is designed for, equipping students from across USC Viterbi with the mental flexibility and technical know-how they’ll need for future careers on the front lines of climate change and the energy transition.

The Green Technologies program is now administered by USC Sonny Astani Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE), under the directorship of Kelly Sanders, Dr. Teh Fu Yen Early Career Chair. Sanders’ plan for the program encompasses the comprehensive scope of the CEE strategic vision, which seeks to address global challenges through the lens of environmental stewardshipdisaster resilienceextreme habitatsurban livability, and transport service systems.

Kelly took us through the nuts and bolts of the program – what it means not only to teach a curriculum, but to live it.

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