USC’s new Sustainability Hub marks a significant stride in its commitment to the environment. This multi-use space is designed as a physical embodiment of USC’s “Assignment: Earth” initiative, aimed at cultivating an eco-friendly campus and planet.
On a random Monday, I strolled past the Student Union on my way to finance class. Through the window of STU, I caught a glimpse of a potted plant. And then a polar bear.
At the corner of STU, facing Tommy Trojan and Hahn Plaza, is USC’s brand new Sustainability Hub, which I had only heard about at that point through word of mouth. Since I had about 30 minutes to spare before a long, dreary class about stock options, I decided to go inside. I climbed up the stairs, turned right, and immediately came face to face with the new Sustainability Hub.
A beautiful turtle welcomed me into the space as I turned the corner. The space opened on September 6, 2023, read the plaque. The first thing that caught my eye when I walked inside was the amount of sunshine. Brightly lit and filled with warmth, I found myself in a conversation at the front desk. I received a sustainability report booklet, as well as a few other goodies and stationary. Because it was still bright and early, the Sustainability Hub was fairly empty, but I could envision it filled with other students doing homework, working on a group project, or brainstorming the next big environmental justice plan.