Assignment: Earth Sustainability Framework

Assignment: Earth is our plan for a healthy, just and thriving campus and world. Authored by the USC Presidential Working Group on Sustainability in Education, Research and Operations with input from teams across the university, it establishes a vision, aspirations and goals for USC across five domains:

Icon of a book and lightbulb, representing the Assignment: Earth Education domain.


Icon of a hand and jigsaw puzzle, representing the Assignment: Earth Research domain.


Icon of hands joining together, representing the Assignment: Earth Equity and Inclusion domain.

Equity and Inclusion

Icon of a gear rotating, representing the Assignment: Earth Operations domain.


Icon of two people exchanging ideas, representing the Assignment: Earth Engagement domain.


Assignment: Earth formalizes our commitment to addressing climate change and creating a more sustainable future. It will guide our actions through 2028 and beyond and enable us to adapt to innovations and new solutions as they emerge. Hear USC’s Chief Sustainability Officer Mick Dalrymple describe how you can get involved.



