Making Progress

USC Earns Gold Rating from the
Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS)

AASHE Gold STARS Rating Seal

In February 2024, USC earned a prestigious STARS Gold rating from AASHE, the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.

The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework for universities to measure their sustainability performance. The assessment encompasses a multitude of sustainability data points from across USC. It helps to build a stronger campus sustainability community, creates incentives for improvement, and facilitates information sharing about higher education sustainability practices and performance.

This achievement comes a year earlier than our Assignment: Earth goal, yet another sign of USC’s rapid transformation towards sustainability leadership.

For more information on STARS and AASHE, visit

Key Reports & Data

Assignment: Earth Dashboard

Screenshot of the Assignment: Earth Dashboard.
View our FY23 progress toward achieving USC’s Assignment: Earth goals.

USC’s Sustainability, Literacy, Behavior and Cultural Survey

First administered in April 2022, this survey helps to inform sustainability engagement and education programs at USC and to establish a baseline for measuring progress towards Assignment: Earth engagement goals.