Sustainability Leadership at USC

Sustainability Leadership Team

Bovard Administration Building and Alumni Park

The Sustainability Leadership Team (SLT) convenes approximately 6-8 times per year to ensure that USC’s Assignment: Earth framework is successfully implemented across the university and that its goals are accomplished according to the established timeline commitments.


The SLT is co-led by the Senior Vice President for Administration and the university’s Chief Sustainability Officer, and comprised of members from USC’s senior leadership team, including but not limited to:

  • Chief Communication Officer and Senior Vice President of Communications
  • Senior Vice President for Health Affairs
  • USC Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Vice President of Research and Innovation
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Vice President, Facilities Planning and Management
  • Co-Chair, Presidential Working Group on Sustainability
  • Representative, Office of the President

Other members may be added on a temporary or permanent basis at the invitation of the co-chairs.

Scope of Work

The Assignment: Earth framework formalizes USC’s commitment to addressing climate change and creating a healthy, just and thriving campus and world, and is intended to guide USC’s sustainability actions through 2028. The Assignment: Earth framework establishes a vision, aspirations, and goals for USC’s sustainability efforts across the five domains of Education, Research, Equity and Inclusion, Operations, and Engagement. In total, the Assignment: Earth framework establishes twenty-seven goals across these five domains.

The SLT ensures that the university is on track to meet all of the Assignment: Earth goals.