There are many ways faculty can advance sustainability at USC, from your actions on campus to your research and work in the classroom. Check out resources for you and your students at the links below.
For support with sustainability curriculum or experiential learning, please contact Dr. Chelsea Graham, Experiential Learning Manager, at cmgraham@usc.edu.
Looking for more ways to get involved? Find sustainability efforts like Events, Research Studies, Scholarships, Student Organizations and more in USC’s Green Directory.
Start your journey with these six sustainable actions:

1. Complete the online Sustainability Training
Explore the steps USC is taking towards becoming a greener campus and learn how you can help.

2. Visit the Sustainability Hub in STU 101
Lounge, study, and connect with the campus sustainability community.

4. Get the Supdate
Join the Supdate Slack to donate/swap items, learn about upcoming events and more.

5. Receive discounts on public transportation
Enroll in the Employee Transit Subsidy to green your commute.

6. Sort your trash at a nearby zero-waste bin
Help USC keep recyclable and compostable waste out of local landfills.
Assign the Student Sustainability Training
The Student Sustainability Training is a great resource for faculty seeking to introduce sustainability in the classroom.
This Trojan Learn module provides an overview of sustainability frameworks, Assignment: Earth, and ways students can make sustainable changes in their daily lives.
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Initiative
Sustainability Across the Curriculum Initiative (SACI) was created to support faculty in developing new courses, programs, and curricular approaches that focus on sustainability. There are grants available to support faculty designing or modifying courses or creating new minors or programs.
Climate Momentum Project
The Climate Momentum Project is based upon a vision that through interdisciplinary leadership in storytelling, the arts, communication, and behavioral messaging, USC will help to catalyze people, organizations, and policymakers to adopt existing and future climate solutions.
Sustainability Data Hub
The Sustainability Data Hub provides access to sustainability-related data relevant to USC operations. This data can be used in classes to engage experiential learning, as well as for research. If you are interested in using data, please contact Dr. Julie Hopper, Sustainability Data Analyst at juliehop@usc.edu for appropriate user agreements.
Sustainability Course Finder
The Sustainability Course Finder was created as a way for students to identify sustainability-related or focused courses. However, for faculty, it can be a useful way to understand how certain sustainability concepts interact with your classes.
President’s Sustainability Initiative Award
The President’s Sustainability Initiative Award has disbursed $1.5 million for research addressing neighborhood-scale air quality sensor networks, the PFAS drinking water crisis in Southern California, catalytic upcycling of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and more.
Sustainability Research Finder
See the leaps and bounds USC is making in sustainability research.
Incorporating Sustainability into Courses
This resource document, created by Dr. Jill Sohm, provides an overview of various perspectives, tools, and resources that can be used by faculty hoping to incorporate sustainability into their classes. It is a great primer for those new to teaching sustainability, as well as a useful exploration of different perspectives for a seasoned sustainability educator.
Experiential Learning for Sustainability Guide
The Library Guide for Sustainability Experiential Learning is designed to support faculty with resources for incorporating sustainability-based experiential learning into their courses. It includes links to academic articles and books, as well as links to internal and external resources that can be used to engage students beyond didactic teaching.
Waste Resources
Access resources for universal and e-waste materials, request a recycling bin or get information for battery recycling/disposal and toner/ink cartridge recycling.
Sustainability Toolkit
All of the resources in this guide have been purposefully designed to address this commitment by encouraging individuals to put sustainable practices into action within their daily lives.
Sustainability in Research Labs at USC
All of the resources in this guide have been purposefully designed to address this commitment by encouraging individuals to put sustainable practices into action within their daily lives.