Waste Resources
Universal and E-Waste Materials
Drop by the USC Sustainability Hub from 9:30am to 3:30pm on the last Wednesday of each month to recycle your obsolete electronics!
Universal Waste including E-waste, that is not damaged should always be reused/recycled. EH&S offers free-of-charge Universal Waste Pick-up service for electronics and other Universal Waste items that can be requested by filling out the Universal Waste Pickup Request Form. For certain qualifying, good working order items, Universal Waste can also be re-sold at USC’s Surplus Store. University departments may use any university-approved IT recycling vendor. Many of USC’s larger university departments use human I-T. For more information related to IT recycling, please visit the FAQ page. For details about Universal Waste pickup, please view the Universal Waste Management Fact Sheet, or contact hazmat@usc.edu or (323) 442-2200.
Request a Recycling Bin
Email Gina Whisenant at USC Facilities Management Services, gwhisena@usc.edu. Or for any additional questions regarding recycling, and the removal of large or unusual trash items (i.e., lumber, bricks, glass, etc.), please contact the Customer Resource Center (CRC) for your campus:
University Park Campus – (213) 740-6833
Health Sciences Campus – (323) 224-7001
Or visit the FMS Service Request Page.
Battery Recycling/Disposal
USC Environmental Health & Safety distributes, pre-labeled battery recycling containers that can be found across UPC and HSC campuses. For more information and to find a container near you, view the EH&S Battery Recycling Locations Fact Sheet and Map.

For batteries larger than D-size please request a hazmat pick-up online by filling out the Universal Waste Pickup Request Form , or for more information contact hazmat@usc.edu.
Toner/Ink Cartridge Recycling
USC Business Services has partnered with WeCare, Inc., to offer a convenient option for recycling used ink and toner cartridges by simply packaging and dropping in your department’s outgoing mail, using the provided labels. For further information on procedures, and for a list of excluded items please visit Mailing and Materials Management Services.
For additional information please contact mail7777@usc.edu or call (213) 821-1200.