Green Engagement Fund supports student sustainability projects
Green Engagement Fund for students

USC Green Engagement Fund (USCGEF) provides creates opportunities for USC students to collaborate with each other, explore new experiences, and build community and culture through sustainability. USCGEF funding is earmarked for new projects run by USC students and student organizations that serve the university community and host events free of charge. Green Engagement Funding Guidelines…

Sustainability scholarships, fellowships and student project funding
Sustainability Scholarships for Students

USC provides a variety of sustainability-related scholarships and fellowships for students across disciplines. These academic, research and professional opportunities in sustainability are part of a growing collection of on- and off-campus scholarships for students to advance their skills and broaden their field of interests to include the environment. See an annotation list of scholarships and…

American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists

AAEES is a professional organization for students that brings professional resources and opportunities to USC students and fosters community between environmental engineers and scientists.

Trojan Famers Market
Trojan Farmer's Market

The Trojan Farmers Market is an open-air marketplace that brings fresh, locally sourced produce every Wednesday to McCarthy Quad, 11 am to 3 pm. EBT is accepted.

Arts & Climate Collective
USC Arts Collective

The Arts & Climate Collective (ACC) centers arts, culture and storytelling to address sustainability and environmental justice. The ACC supports USC students’ work and engagement with funding, guidance, communications and community.

Environmental Studies Program
Environmental Studies Programs - USC

The Environmental Studies Program offers majors, minors, and masters programs in the interdisciplinary fields of environment and sustainability with the goal of educating the next generation of leaders.

Green Engagement Fund
Green Engagement Fund for students

The Green Engagement Fund supports student-driven, innovative projects that create opportunities for USC students to collaborate with each other, explore new experiences and build community and culture through sustainability. 

Annenberg Innovation Lab
Annenberg Innovation Lab

We are a curious, creative and committed Think & Do Tank that practices innovation as a collaborative exploration involving artists, scientists, humanists and industry professionals.

Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies
Wrigley Institute

Based on USC’s Los Angeles campus and Catalina Island, the Wrigley Institute works at the intersection of people and the planet by training the next generation of environmental and sustainability change-makers.

Drop by drop, water refill stations put plastic bottles in their place
Plastic Bottles are out with Josh-Rebello and Nicholas Belgrave

Those single-use bottles are on their way out as water refill stations proliferate on USC’s University Park and Health Sciences campuses. Water refill stations, also known as hydration stations, are a sophisticated upgrade. They dispense cool water through a high-grade filter. Each one represents a significant investment. The installed units can cost upwards of $2,000.…