Heather Heleloa, who is pursuing her online MS in Hospitality and Tourism, is exploring how to create lasting environmental changes in the industry.
Category: Highlights

USC Price’s Colin Montoute is an architectural innovator who leads sustainable urban planning projects around the world.

Keck School of Medicine study finds a link between exposure to airborne particulates and increased risk of serious coronavirus.

USC Viterbi adjunct professor Michael Kezirian explains why advancing space safety and sustainability measures advances space exploration.

Yun Li researches the impact of energy system decarbonization and land surface properties on urban air quality in southern California.

U.S. National Science Foundation’s award will fund USC’s work to address scaling challenges and significant power demands in computing.

In the New Humanist, USC’s Vincent Ialenti says nuclear energy’s toxic waste requires communicating with people 10,000 years in the future.

As cities get hotter, cooling strategies can combat the dire consequences to our physical and mental well-being.

USC graduate Patricia Garcia is winning accolades for her startup company that allows students to sell their used collegiate gear.

Fran Pavley, environmental policy director at the USC Schwarzenegger Institute, warns that a 2014 well drilling law is being over used.