Data collected from the hydration stations are used to provide further insight on hydration station deserts and the optimal placement of new hydration stations.
Category: Highlights

Urinetown tells the dystopian story of city so affected by a drought that the citizens must pay to use public restrooms. The show ran at Bing Theatre from March 30 to April 5.

Researchers at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies aimed to develop a process that would degrade plastic into something that microorganisms could use.

To celebrate Earth Month, USC is providing programs, events, and activities to recognize the beauty of our Earth.

Sandrah Eckel, an associate professor of population and public health sciences, discusses the link between electric cars, air pollution and health.

While Earth Month is a productive celebration, Orion Dennin argues why it should go beyond a single month.

Prominent speakers discussed the importance of seeking common ground on Tuesday’s panel. The annual Climate Forward Conference brought together high-profile politicians and individuals to find common ground surrounding the climate crisis at a panel held Tuesday, April 4. The event saw high-profile guests such as Gina McCarthy, the first ever White House climate advisor and…

A message from Mick Dalrymple, Chief Sustainability Officer, highlighting USC’s Earth Month festivities and the progress of Assignment: Earth.

The former METRANS Transportation Consortium director has seen progress toward gender equality since the passage of Title IX, but observes there is still room for improvement.

Research into the pandemic experiences of the Navajo Nation and the Klamath Tribes underscores the need for the U.S. to honor tribal water rights legally recognized — but never delivered on — for over a century.